Success on a fragile planet: regeneration, reimagination, reinvention

Many of my clients call because they need innovation, and particularly they want new ideas for being a successful business that is at ease with its contribution to making a healthy and flourishing planet. Often, it’s really successful companies that call, particularly ones with a long history and a great heritage. How do you reimagine a brilliant company with a hundred-year history?

This is one of my favourite sweet spots. For many years I ran a Masters degree in sustainable management, and was Professor in Systems Change at a business school and taught at Schumacher College, one of the world’s leading centres for thinking about how to work and live in ways that resoect living systems. Out of this has grown a wealth of insights and stories about how to reinvent and reimagine what we do and how we do it. You might call it regenerative organisations, circular economy, sustainable business or eco-literacy, it’s all the same thing! The core question is “how do we have brilliant organisations, providing great services and contribute to a vibrant living planet?” That’s exactly the question this talk addresses.

People come out of this one inspired, fired up, wanting to do more, ready to join in … and hungry to put their energy to work in doing this in your business or organisation.