Never see strategy the same way again! This client wanted to get their senior leadership team (top 200) thinking more strategically, to have more people looking for opportunities to add value to the strategic thinking around them. The trouble is that many leaders think they’re not “strategic” and see strategy as “someone else’s job”. This talk busts that myth and gets people seeing how they can make an excellent strategic contribution.
This talk brings strategy alive. I stop people thinking about strategy as dry analysis, or a plan, that’s just a dead document. Real strategy is a living thing, something that acts as the glue and lubrication in your organisation, helping people make choices and keeping their eyes on what matters. This talk, and the invitation it brings, is about setting a course towards better thinking, better collaboration, better decisions and more success.
It’s also a great talk for new directors – and one I’ve done as a guest on in-house senior leadership programmes and at several business schools and professional associations in several countries.