

Keynote Speaker

Chris is unusual. He's been a New York investment banker and Partner in a global consulting firm. He's worked at the centre of government and been a professor in a business school. He's been a visiting speaker in hundreds of organisations worldwide. He's a writer, an artist and entrepreneur. He's captivating on stage, and brings his massive experience to life in stories tailored exactly to fit every situation he speaks in.

Chris is driven by curiosity – and by opening up new ways of seeing things he makes other people curious too. He’s the perfect speaker when you have a event and you need someone to:

  • Shift the energy of an organisation or team.
  • See more of the system and reimagine how you thrive when systems are shifting.
  • Find new ways to work well with uncertainty, turbulence and transformation.
  • Challenge stuck ways of thinking and bring about new action.
  • Invite collaboration and get teams working creatively together.
  • Build enthusiasm for strategic change and get people excited about imagining a different future.
In every setting, Chris listens carefully, finds the right leverage points to make your event a success, and deploys his stage skills to deliver amazing outcomes.