I’m passionate about people and their limitless potential to do amazing things. My passion is infectious. I’m an advocate for exploring and learning as super-powers – and I don’t mean courses, I mean the vital business of learning rigorous lessons from what happens every day. Get this right and this is where your organisational future gets built.
For years I’ve worked with the messy truth of a VUCA world. Everything is shifting and it is really difficult to rely on experience and expertise – some of the challenges we face are questions where there isn’t an expert yet, and where no-one has all of the experience of having done it before.
How do you lead brilliantly, inviting others to come with you, when you don’t know the answer? You do it by knowing how to explore, and how to create teams of brilliant exploration around you. This talk shows you how to do it, and gets people excited about their own ability to explore and to join in exploration with others. It’s one of the most popular and essential talks I give, and it remains as essential today as it has ever been. We need new work at the frontier of what is known, and your organisation needs to be great at doing it. Leading beyond the familiar, creating the future – tomorrow will be shaped by those who explore best.